The Dawn of Hope

in autumn’s dying leaves
in winter’s naked trees
and the whispers of spring. 

is formed
in the peacelessness of death 
when horror plunders breath –
in the unrest it brings. 

is found 
in the weakness of man’s heart,
in his toils, rent apart
his pleas for reckoning. 

was born
in the Garden, at the Fall
in new knowledge of it all – 
from truth’s curse, choice now sings:
“Will you love heaven’s King?”

8 June 2016
Written at Wave Hill, after a study of the horrors of World War I.

One thought on “The Dawn of Hope

  1. It is always a joy for me to read the thoughts of 2016 Rachel.
    My only suggestion would be to NOT pingback to a blog I love so much, because whenever I see it I just want to re-read all those words again. ❤


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